Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Sometimes I feel like I have inadvertently ended up in one of Madeleine L'Engle's sci-fi novels; an adult version of A Wind in the Door or something. (I just need a sibling to shrink into my bloodstream and sort out my mitochondria and such. Um, Dave . . . ?) In what other context do people phone you whose caller ID's show up with names like "Quadax"?

Anyway. A very nice lady from said company, who talked like my college friend Marcia-Marcia-Marcia (who is also a very nice lady), phoned me this afternoon as I was surfacing from a nap. Because I was surfacing, I might have got this wrong (I didn't, though), but it sounded like she was telling me that my insurance company will, in fact, cover the Oncotype-DX test. I mean . . . I still have to pay a portion of it. Given how much the test costs, though, it's pennies. (And trust me, it isn't pennies!) If you're a Praying-Reader (which I'm pretty sure most of my readers are so far), thanks for that.

Now you can pray, if you want, that I end up testing as having a less-than-10% chance of recurrence. We'll see what other freaky science-fiction kinds of things end up resulting. I've already seen some. Thanks for that!


Shanita Waters said...

Hi.. First time here. I'll definately keep you in my prayers.

Jennwith2ns said...

Welcome, Shanita! Thanks for reading, and commenting, and especially praying!

dave grosser said...

Dude, I would be all over getting into your bloodstream ala those kids' sci fi stories where the character gets to travel around in the human body. I always loved stories like that. (Why are they always kids stories? Why not make adult sci fi stories like that? Oh yeah, the Cell--sorta).

Anyway, that's great news, Jenn.

Elizabeth said...

YAY!! So good to hear! Sounds like a case where I don't have bad things to say about an insurance company. It's so great to hear though, because $$ can be so stressful. =(

Cliff said...

We just need to get a cherubim to help us deepen...

Jennwith2ns said...

Dave--I don't know why. I just never read that much sci-fi to even know.

Liz--I know, right? I've said plenty of bad things about mine, actually, but maybe I'll have to stop that . . .

Cliff--totally. If you find one, let me know.