Monday, April 09, 2007

The Blog that Got Thunk

(Obscure title reference to Dr. Seuss' shorter-than-usual story "The Glunk that Got Thunk.")

There's something strange and heady (pun possibly intended) about this. Last week Heather, over at L'Chaim, gave me (along with four other illustrious folk) this here award. She also gave me one of the Nicest Compliments Ever. I have a little treasure trove in my head (and my journals) of what I consider the Nicest Compliments Ever. I usually don't tell people about them because it feels like bragging, but this one has already been inscribed on the blogosphere, so it's not like I can erase it. Or anything.

There are, of course, rules and sharing that go along with this award, and they are as follows:

1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think,
2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme,
3. Optional: Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote. You can choose silver or gold.

This was a hard one, because I pretty much only read blogs if they make me think. So I hope no one feels too left out if his or her name does not appear here. It's only because of the restriction of five, I promise!

So, my five are (closing eyes, spinning around, pointing):

1. Christy at Dry Bones Dance. Ever since Lent started, I have not been able to access her blog for some reason (so I hope the link works). She's a tremendously gifted writer with a quirky sense of humour and a rather different take on life than mine; her point of view challenges and spurs me on, which is always a good thing.

2. John of the Item. Come to think of it, he has a different take on life than I do, too. He makes me think on-line and off.

3. My brother, who is smarter than I could ever hope to be, and who lets some of that spill out over at Wakey, Wakey (aka Gray's Theology).

4. Craver VII might consider indulging his readers with some more material. He hasn't posted in a while. But when he does, it's usually a masterful blend of the absurd and the how-do-I-perceive-or-live-out-my-faith-in-that-situation. Which, if you can blend those two things masterfully, is a great idea.

5. Marcus Goodyear of goodwordediting. He's such a writing professional that I usually feel a little intimidated over there, but sometimes some intimidation is a good thing. Plus he's so nice about it. He talks about deep issues and writing with equal passion and intelligence.

Thanks to all of you for your thoughts! And for sharing them with us.


Craver Vii said...

Wow, thanks!! I wish I could write more. Believe me, it makes me itchy all over when I don't get my "alone-time" with the computer.

I have enjoyed the recent discovery of your blog, too.


Martin Stickland said...

Oh dear! Can I just say sorry but of all the posts that you had to read first on my blog it was the 'honey pot' I think I was just having an off day!

Thnaks for popping by!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the plug, Jenn - hope you are able to access my blog now. If you can't, shoot me an e-mail and let me know.


dave grosser said...

Thanks, Jenn! It is indeed quite an honor.

I think I'll wait to post my "thanks for the thinking blog award" post until I've made myself more at home in the blogosphere and I have 5 to nominate that haven't already received the award. Just sayin, in case you thought I was ungrateful.

I'm grateful!