Thursday, March 18, 2010

Auntie Times 2

Now that all his grandparents know, I feel like perhaps I can tell you that I have a new nephew! As of sometime today. His name is Patrick David, but not because of the holiday we just had. His big sister, TWCN, was babysat in part by esteemed blog-friend, K., whom I have never met in person, but with whom Dave and Sister-in-Lu have become quite good friends. Crazy connexions develop over the internet. Pretty cool sometimes, too, though, huh?

Congrats, Dave, Sister-in-Lu and TWCN! And Patrick, for that matter.

Thanks, K.!


K. said...

Your niece is just the most amazing little girl I've ever met! Congratulations on your new nephew!

Young Christian Woman said...


I think that's the fourth family I know with a girl and a boy about the same ages as mine.