Friday, April 02, 2010

A Rock So Big He Can't Lift It?

I have a feeling this question that crossed my mind this morning is kind of like the "rock" question in that it's missing some pieces in the logic department, but I kind of got on the merry-go-round of circular thinking while I was praying this morning. I'm sure glad my salvation is dependent on what Jesus did and not on my figuring out all the crazy things that go on in my head.

All the same, it was kind of an intriguing question. It started like this: I was thinking about the crucifixion. And I was thinking about some stupid, faithless, waste-of-time stuff I allowed myself to sink into this week, and so I kind of asked God to make me worthy of His sacrifice.

Then I thought, "Not that that's actually possible."

Then I thought, "There are a whole lot of verses that say all things are possible with God."

Then I thought, "But nothing can ever compare to or measure up to what Jesus did for me on the cross all those years ago."

That was when I thought about the "Can God make a rock so big He can't lift it?" question.

Now I'm thinking that God has answered the unanswerable question after all. Because of course, the point is that it is impossible for me to be worthy of Jesus' sacrifice. If I could pay it back, I wouldn't have needed it in the first place. I couldn't make myself worthy, and God "couldn't" either because to do so would be to undermine His design of our free will. But He Himself is worthy, so, as Isaiah 59 says, "His own arm worked salvation for Him, and His own righteousness sustained Him." His own sacrifice makes me worthy. He has changed my nature. I am a new creation. He has made me worthy. I just didn't have anything to do with it myself.



I hope the worthiness starts becoming more and more evident, is the thing. Because He is worthy.

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